lunes, 29 de abril de 2013

Responsible pets ownership

The responsible owner ship is a conditions, duties, obligations, and responsibilities, individual as much as collective, that oblige owner or carer to ensure the well-being of the pets.  The pets are any animal to keep company for human, of which depends its life’s, find a bond relationship mutual affection.
 The principal responsible are the food, the space, the refuge, and the cleanliness. Another duties are inoculations, and exercise. In addition is beneficial the sterilization because to avoid breast tumours, and the overpopulation of dogs and cats principally. Also, when you castrate your dog, restrict the reproduction, avoid other tumours, reduce the aggressive behaviour, and prevent offspring unwanted.
The problems that generate the dogs from the street are illness transmission, bite to the human in the street, vehicular and pedestrian risk, destruction of the trash bags, and crap in the streets. The cause of this problem is because the owners allow that the dogs leave to the street.

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