lunes, 22 de abril de 2013

Cristina Palomar

               Cristina Palomar Verea is a Spanish psychology, she was graduated in Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente in 1982, in addition, she has a doctorate in social science with social anthropology specialization.  She was founder and director of the Center of the Study of Gender of the University of Guadalajara for two periods, and she was founder and director of the Study of Gender Review.
                I admire her work of the motherhood sociology, and specifically a study called “Bad Mother” and another study called “Motherhood in a prison”. In this works she talk about the mother that abuse her sons, that use unfairly the child’s, that killed her sons, etc.
                I like her work about subjective experience of the gender, the social construction of motherhood, and she run the risk with her studies.   

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